To lost Friendships
This post is a cry for broken bonds and lost friendships.
Friendship is the most important relation in one's life. we always need a person a friend to have our back. But what is true friendship? whom we can call a friend? This story is not a typical lecture on friendship and how important our friends are. Instead, I am going to narrate my experience and my perception of companionship. What i learned over the years.
you know they say a friend in need is a friend indeed. we often compass people who try to help us in need, and we consider them our friends. But are they really our friends? spending so much time with someone, having fun, sharing your secrets, outing and stuff. Is this what we call true friendship. What i learned in these years is it doesn't matter how long you have been friend with someone or how strong you bond with that person is if that person is suppressing you mentally or emotionally, he can be anything but your friend.
If you considered someone so dear for several years. You relay on that person. But that turned out to be a great trauma. you feel that pain more when the person you are being betrayed is the dearest one. when you give so much and in regard only gets frustration and trauma and being call out selfish. when you be there when needed and all you hear is you never helped anyone. I have always been very proud of people around me and I thought they are the truest and most honest people. But I get to know sometimes you are so blind that you ignore their manipulation and hypocrisy. Being friend doesn’t mean you can humiliate someone jokingly you cannot make fun of someone, pass sarcastic remarks and expect them to tolerate your behavior because you are a so-called friend. A friend never degrades another friend. A friend gives confidence and courage instead of pushing that person behind. A friend is someone who is there when you feel less when you lose hope. A friend does not say Oh you have changed yourself a lot (sarcastically) he is someone who is happy to see you doing good in your life and encourage you to make more positive changes. A friend is someone who shows by action that he truly is your well-wisher.
At the end of this post i would like to sum up with these words May everyone gets a friend who adds positivity and peace into their life. And may we get the courage to call out ungrateful friends.
Hira Khalid.